Over the decades, and before they left their native land of Australia, they had successfully eliminated all reference to the fluid that runs through only two places in the human body: the Achilles tendon and the base of the tongue. Undetectable by what is now considered “modern” science, the liquid has regenerative properties – no matter how old they become, they still hold the look of young children. The only difference that they’ve been unable to hide is the dark-blue, almost black tint to their eyes; since they prefer the dark of night to move about and hunt, this rarely makes a difference.
The smarter ones know how to nibble on the ankle of a sleeping human, only leaving small teeth-marks on the skin. The humans never notice the loss of the fluid; aside from the occasional itch, they sleep and scratch unawares. The smarter ones also know the prime places to snack and dine … the hospitals, the open bedroom windows, the car wrecks before ambulances arrive.
The dumber, more animal-like ones, pay no mind to niceties … this is where the occasional police report will foolishly opine that a wild bear or bobcat chewed off a foot or a face. Either that or chalk up a house with a smashed window and dead family as a home invasion gone wrong or a crack addict getting caught stealing for his next fix. Thankfully, for both humans and their own kin, these ones are few and far between.
Smart or dumb alike, their numbers are growing …
the ankle biter comes at night
its eyes are black its skin is white
it does not want to hear you speak
when in your room it comes to peek
so firmly close your mouth I say
or it will steal your tongue away
and further more upon your feet
it likes to gnaw it likes to eat
so keep your boots bound good and tight
before you go to sleep at night
it comes for you it comes for me
it comes for those who cannot flee
it comes for both the old and young
so guard your feet and hold your tongue